


5.1 扩展模板

The assembler template contains the set of assembly instructions that gets inserted inside the C program. The format is like: either each instruction should be enclosed within double quotes, or the entire group of instructions should be within double quotes. Each instruction should also end with a delimiter. The valid delimiters are newline(\n) and semicolon(;). ’\n’ may be followed by a tab(\t). We know the reason of newline/tab, right?. Operands corresponding to the C expressions are represented by %0, %1 … etc.

汇编模板包含一组嵌入到C程序中的指令。格式类似:或者每个指令包围在双引号中,或整组指令包含在双引号中。每个指令也应该以一个分隔符结束。合法的分隔符可以是\n;\n可以跟随一个\t。C表达式的操作数呈现为 %0, %1 …等。

5.2 操作数

C expressions serve as operands for the assembly instructions inside “asm”. Each operand is written as first an operand constraint in double quotes. For output operands, there’ll be a constraint modifier also within the quotes and then follows the C expression which stands for the operand. ie,

c表达式作为内联汇编指令的操作数。每个操作数首先写一个双引号内的操作数限制符。 对于输出操作数, 引号内还有一个限制修饰符, 然后跟随操作数对应的 C 表达式 。 即,

“constraint” (C expression) is the general form. For output operands an additional modifier will be there. Constraints are primarily used to decide the addressing modes for operands. They are also used in specifying the registers to be used.

"constraint" (C expression) 乃通用形式。对输出操作数会有一个额外的修饰符。限制符(constraint)主要用于决定操作数的地址模式。他们也被用于指定要使用的寄存器。

If we use more than one operand, they are separated by comma.


In the assembler template, each operand is referenced by numbers. Numbering is done as follows. If there are a total of n operands (both input and output inclusive), then the first output operand is numbered 0, continuing in increasing order, and the last input operand is numbered n-1. The maximum number of operands is as we saw in the previous section.


Output operand expressions must be lvalues. The input operands are not restricted like this. They may be expressions. The extended asm feature is most often used for machine instructions the compiler itself does not know as existing ;-). If the output expression cannot be directly addressed (for example, it is a bit-field), our constraint must allow a register. In that case, GCC will use the register as the output of the asm, and then store that register contents into the output.


As stated above, ordinary output operands must be write-only; GCC will assume that the values in these operands before the instruction are dead and need not be generated. Extended asm also supports input-output or read-write operands.


So now we concentrate on some examples. We want to multiply a number by 5. For that we use the instruction lea.


asm ("leal (%1,%1,4), %0" 
    : "=r" (five_times_x)
    : "r" (x)

Here our input is in ’x’. We didn’t specify the register to be used. GCC will choose some register for input, one for output and does what we desired. If we want the input and output to reside in the same register, we can instruct GCC to do so. Here we use those types of read-write operands. By specifying proper constraints, here we do it.


asm ("leal (%0,%0,4), %0"
    : "=r" (five_times_x)
    : "0" (x)

Now the input and output operands are in the same register. But we don’t know which register. Now if we want to specify that also, there is a way.


asm ("leal (%%ecx,%%ecx,4), %%ecx"
    : "=c" (x)
    : "c"  (x)

In all the three examples above, we didn’t put any register to the clobber list. why? In the first two examples, GCC decides the registers and it knows what changes happen. In the last one, we don’t have to put ecx on the c lobberlist, gcc knows it goes into x. Therefore, since it can know the value of ecx, it isn’t considered clobbered.
